Mobile Clinics Africa: Mobile Clinic Outreach Program at Agbogbloshie - Digital Dumping Ground

Mobile Clinic Outreach Program by Odulair Mobile Clinics traveled to Agbogbloshie the Digital Dumping Ground in Accra, Ghana, know as the most toxic place on earth.

Odulair is proud to have enabled the first Mobile Medical Outreach to the population of metal scrapers that work and live at the e-waste dump site. The level of toxicity generated by burning electronichas contaminated soil and air is so badly that most workers day of cancer by their twenties.

Odulair's Medical Outreach Program to Agbogbloshie - Digital Dumping Ground with the Ministry of Health of Ghana was a success of efficiency and organization.

MoH organises free health screening for scrap dealers

Odulair Mobile Clinic Outreach Program at Agbogbloshie

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