Mobile Dialysis Unit

Mobile Dialysis Unit

Mobile #Dialysis Unit by Odulair designed and manufactured to provide on site Mobile Dialysis services, Mobile Dialysis Unit by Odulair is manufactured in several mobile medical platforms including mobile medical vehicles as Mobile Dialysis Trailer (Mobile Medical Trailer) Mobile Dialysis Truck (Mobile Health Clinic) Mobile #Dialysis Van (Mobile Health Van) all available internationally and in the USA for sale rent or lease.

Mobile Dialysis Unit

Mobile Dialysis Trailer

The Mobile Dialysis Unit by Odulair manufactured in a Mobile Dialysis Trailer expands when open up to 1,000 square feet of dialysis clinic space. Large Mobile Dialysis Units by Odulair include six to eight U.S. healthcare code compliant patient dialysis stations and state-of-the-art onboard hemodialysis water treatment. Smaller versions include Mobile Dialysis Truck, Mobile Dialysis Bus and Mobile Dialysis Van.

Mobile Dialysis Machine

This particular Mobile Dialysis Unit by Odulair is equipped with Fresenius dialysis machines and Herman Miller Nemschoff Treatment chairs with built-in heat and massage to ensure patient comfort during their dialysis treatment which typically lasts up to four hours.

Mobile Dialysis Clinic

The Mobile Dialysis Clinic also includes all of the ancillary areas required for CMS reimbursement including a reception area, central nurse’s station, clean workroom, soiled workroom, handicapped accessible restroom, equipment repair room, environmental services room, and water treatment room.

Mobile Dialysis Truck

The new Mobile Dialysis Truck is a Mobile Dialysis Unit for sale specially designed to deliver on site dialysis services at your door, no matter where. No matter which roads need to be travelled, Odulair manufactures Mobile Dialysis Units addressing specifically maneuverability and road conditions. Contact Odulair, the only Mobile Medical manufacturer in the USA with actual experience building a Mobile Dialysis Unit.

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