Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19

Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19 by Odulair are a hot commodity nowadays. Why? Because it's the safest mobile lab available in the market today. Independently of what certain health organizations can be politically motivated to say at a given time on how a certain virus is thought to be transmitted at a certain time, safety always comes first. So, while amidst a world pandemic, the jury may still not out for the world health organization to declare the COVID virus is air-transmissible or not, provide your team of professionals with a safe environment for what is critical work in healthcare. Covid mobile testing units by Odulair are Covi-19 ready, different rooms with different air pressure levels, negative pressure rooms, BSL-2 lab, extreme air filtration, above and beyond the specs recommended by the CDC. Inside this Odulair Mobile Testing Lab trailer, the air is purer than in the Himalayas.

Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19 by Odulair
Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19 by Odulair

As the world fights and recovers from the 2019-20 worldwide pandemic COVID-19 testing is essential to companies, states, and communities in order to maintain and protect the health of their citizens while and remaining “open for business”.

Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19 by Odulair
Mobile Testing Labs for Covid-19 by Odulair

Mobile Testing Labs and other mobile testing units by Odulair are available for sale, rent or lease by Odulair

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